Friday, June 29, 2007

New Circa Survive video

Circa Survive is another band I'm getting into hella late in the game. Nothing bad to say about this video, other than I'm horrible at getting the meaning to these type of videos. Well, actually, I have an idea in mind, but I fear I'm totally off so I won't type what I think lol. And the tube thingies coming out of their bodies definitely gave me chills.

I'm jumping on the Anthony Green bandwagon. This guy is seriously attractive.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Coheed & Cambria's new album...

...coming out in the fall!

October! As in my birthday is in October so this will be the best birthday present ever. I am craving for new material by them. I honestly would consider Coheed to be my favorite rock band that I know nothing about, and I love it that way. I listen to their music almost daily, but do I know what their names are or what they look like? Not really. I got into them because of the music and still listen to them because of the music. I know they have a new drummer now and that there might have been some drama with the past member, but I dont know anything more.

I'm just happy I have a band where I can actually listen to the music and not know the personal details of their lives or if their dick is all over the internet, like some other bands I'm into.

Gym Class Heroes - Clothes Off!

I hate this video. I hate this song. I hate what they are turning into. But more importantly, I HATE THIS VIDEO.

WHAT THE FLYING SHIT IS THIS. Seriously. I've watched this a couple times like all week, hoping it will marinate and it will grow on me, BUT THIS IS HORRIBLE. Guys :( What happened to that band :(

And its not even like "Oh my god, they are famous now, time to abandon ship." I know I go back and forth with this, but I love that they are huge. I love that they can pull in the upper-hundreds to shows now. Thats amazing and they deserve IT, they are very talented guys. BUT THEY COULD AT LEAST PUT QUALITY MATERIAL OUT THAT WONT EMBARRASS ME. Because its obviously all about me, you'll learn that soon enough. Everybody already thinks they are a cover band with the singles they put out. And no, Patrick is not in the band, thanks.

But just for this blog's sake, I'll re-watch the video again and to a play by play of what I'm thinking (plus/minus style!):
+ Viva La White Girl playing is the best part about this video. But its so out of place.
- Pete GTFO of all your artists video please. Yes, they might need you to get huge with the teenies, but stop it.
- They all know damn well they have T-Mobile Sidekicks. Nice Verizon product placement.
+ I love the way Mattydukes drums. Like, its the simplest beat, but it goes way crazy with it.
All the guy dancers.
- Some of the girl dancers kind of suck and are off rhythm a little bit. Especially the ones in bikinis.
- Furries? Was someone high as hell when they wrote this treatment?
+ OMG there are actually black girls in this video!
+ Go 'head Sash, get yo Slash on!
+ Furries dance off!
- Furries are Panic! At The Disco
- Shower scene is dumb as hell and not sexy. Um, needs more guy flesh for it to be sexy DUH
+/- Schlep pop, lock, n should have dropped it


First post + Video stills from The Receiving End Of Siren's "Smoke and Mirrors"

Alright first post. I know what you all are thinking, another internet blogging site, Keisha? Yes, and I actually like this better. I honestly should have made this blogspot before I made the tumblr, since the same stuff will go in here. I'll probably use this for my random thoughts on music, popculture and what not and keep the livejournal for life stuff. I feel like no one gives a fuck about what I think about Fueled By Ramen or Coheed & Cambria or something, so why flood my lj with that? Oh wells, lets carry on.....

Click here for video stills from TREO's "Smoke and Mirrors" video

I cant even describe how excited and nervous I am to hear this song. I know its probably leaked to the internet by now, but I'm waiting to hear it with the video.

I'm pretty much a new fan of TREOS. I first heard of them when the "Planning a Prison Break" video was played on SURS a lot. I fell in love with that song, downloaded the album, and the rest is history (I will get around to actually buying it when I get some extra cash. Between The Heart And The Synapse is one of the best albums from last year and deserves your money).

The thing that kind of scares me is that they kicked Casey out. Apparently Casey was kinda responsible for the "electronic" sound on BTHATS (you can tell, especially when you listen to his new band, The Dear Hunter). I didnt really like the TREOS stuff before Casey, so I dont know if I'll like the stuff without him. I really want to support this band because BTHATS was such a perfect album, but I dont know. I hope I dont get let down.